Combo Pack(Fire Chicken 2X Spicy Noodle 2pc & Eunsung Non-Veg Noodle 3pc)

Why this Easy-cooking Spicy Noodle is so delicious?

  • Stickiness and excellent flavour come from the dough kneading process. The dough for these special noodles are knead in a vacuum sensitive atmosphere so that there is absolutely no air in the dough. This unique process gives these noodles stickiness when boiled and the excellent flavour which is not there in any other normal noodles.
  • Elasticity comes from the step-by-step drying process. The entire process of making these noodles is unique. After kneading the dough, the noodles are dried in a step-by-step manner so the noodles are completely dried from inside. This only gives the noodles their distinctive flavour and elasticity. This process optimizes the temperature and reduces the moisture which is very important to make the noodles dried thoroughly. This gives the noodles their elasticity and the noodles will not get soggy very quickly.
This is a Non-Vegetarian product.

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Rs. 800 24 % OFF

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Out Of Stock
BRAND: Eunsung
SELLER: M/s M S Distributors Pvt. Ltd.,
191, Ist Floor, Shahpur Jat, New Delhi-110049, India


EXP-DATE: 28 Mar 2023

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Combo Pack(Fire Chicken 2X Spicy Noodle 2pc & Euns ...

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